Thursday, June 20, 2013

Getting through an Interview

So today I had an interview, and I've never been able to relate to a commercial as the one I have posted above.  I'm sure you all have seen it and for those fellow crohn's casualties you've experienced it first hand.  Well this is the first time I've been worried or concentrated about my Crohn's in an interview.  Prior to walking into the interview I felt as though I needed to poop, but thought eh I'll hold it.  Now Crohn's casualties you understand it was brave of me to even consider holding it let alone make that my final option.  Let me explain, I have not have any issues with flare-ups lately so I thought I'd be ok.
I pulled into the parking lot early so I sat in the car and decided that I could hold it and wasn't going to find a gas station.  When it was 15 minutes prior to my interview I walked in and checked in with the receptionist.  She told me that it would be a little bit before my interviewer came out, and directed me over to a seating area.  While I was listening to her explain where to go I could feel my intestines abdominal pain but they were wrenching.  I tried to focus, but I kept thinking well maybe I should of went to the bathroom it was too late at this point.  So I sat in the seating area and waited.  While my intestines continued to gurgle I just kept thinking that I hope they aren't loud during my interview.  I attempted to remember my interview rules so I didn't fidget in the waiting area, and reviewed my resume trying to put my mind on something else knowing that the receptionist was watching my every move.  She was my 1st impression, and I believe I left a good one.  The interviewer called me into the room, and I thought ok think of anything besides your stomach.  Well that worked well for the first ten minutes and then the gurgling started.  I heard it and I'm sure she did too, but it was just a little noise then disappeared.  I was able to focus and finish the first part of the interview.
The noise or wrenching didn't return the whole interview.  It's as if my body knew this was an important moment and it needed to behave.  My intestines behaved, and I am now home so they can do as they'd like now.  I believe the interview went well, and I should know by tomorrow evening if I've been offered the job. 
So readers I hope I have your well wishes because I've sent out resumes to 50 different positions, and this is only the 2nd phone call I've received regarding a position.  It's extremely discouraging, and proves that the economy hasn't fully mended yet.
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.
Take Care.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you got through it! Hope they call with the offer!!!
