Friday, May 17, 2013

When an old problem becomes a new problem

     I have found that having Crohn's has resulted in other body ailments re-upping themselves.  So not only am I struggling to keep my Crohn's in check, but I'm adding doctor appointments to try & figure out what else is going wrong with my health.
     About 1.5 years ago I noticed my skin flaking like crazy.  I would wear long sleeves because my arms would be so red and flaky that I was embarrassed.  I had remembered my doctor talking about how my skin could develop a rash due to Crohn's so I ASSUMED (which no one should ever do, and I should know better than to) that it was just a rash that was Crohn's related.  I also was living far from my doctors at the time, and it would of been a pain to travel 3.5 hours to my doctors for them just to tell me that it was Crohn's related... I ignored the problem and thought it would go away, and it did clear itself up.  Until this winter, my dry spots returned & they were painful to put lotion on.  So I finally spoke with my Gastro. Dr. about my dry spots, and he gave me a referral for a dermatologist.  I saw the dermatologist, which was a nightmare. 
     Side Story...I do not enjoy going to the doctors, and dislike that I've been to a doctor more times in the last year than in my 23 years of life before that.  So the dermatologist walked in looked at my one dry spot and said it's eczema, here's a prescription if it doesn't work call back & we will see you again. Signed my paperwork, and out the door she went.  I have never felt more like a number than in that instance, I was just an insurance paycheck to her.  I walked out of there irate, and have not been back since.  There was no Hi how are you?, what's going on? nothing! It was so rude.
     So I was diagnosed with eczema, and as a kid I had had some issues with eczema but it was little red itchy bumps just on my arms.  My eczema had changed, and I'm assuming it's because of my Crohn's messing with my body's chi.
     My other old problem was low iron count in my blood.  A typical hematocrit level (one measure for calculating iron, the other is hemoglobin levels)  so a typical hematocrit level in an adult female is 34.9 to 44.5  Proper Iron levels.  My hematocrit level before I was diagnosed with Crohn's or had really extreme symptom of Crohn's was typically 33.  Now my hematocrit levels are 30-31 in my last 2 blood draws.  My doctor asked me to start taking iron supplements every other day because of the constipation iron pills cause.  He wants my iron levels to rise, but doesn't want to throw my intestines into a tizzy especially since we've come so far, and finally have my crohn's in check.  He's mentioned 2x now that if we don't raise my iron levels there is a possibility of needing a blood infusion, which I'd like to avoid.  But my blood type is A positive, ARE YOU MY TYPE? :)  A little blood humor there.
     SO I have a new problem, and am looking for any guidance (fellow Crohn's Casualties) before I call my doctor.  When I take the iron supplement I end up with 3 hours of fairly intense intestinal cramping.  I can only fathom that this is a result of me upsetting my infected areas of my intestine.  I have 2 portions of infected intestine left in me, and I'm wondering if the digestion process of the iron pill is causing the pain.  Has anyone had to take or takes iron pills?  Do you know this cramping that I speak of?  Does Metamucil help all?  Should I try liquid iron?  Suggestions, I know none of us are doctors or maybe a few are, but y'all aren't my physician and it'd be best to contact him. But I am looking for ideas or to hear I'm not the only one who has this issue.  So today I didn't take my iron pill, and I've been feeling BLAH all day. When my iron is low I usually have chills, joint pain, and feel sluggish, and I've felt this way all day.  I can't find a happy medium, but the sun is out and it's 65 here so I am sitting inside in flannel pj bottoms and a sweatshirt with the sliding glass door open.  I may be cold but I am trying to enjoy the sun, and now hopefully to enjoy my weekend.
Take care y'all!

1 comment:

  1. It is a vicious circle, because the iron gets slow, you feel like crap (sorry) and the supplement makes you feel worse. Has the doctor talked about IV infusion of iron to see how that would go? No sense in taking something that is really going to exacerbate your symptoms. We have done IV iron a few times for my son with IBD when his iron was too low.
    It is tough, because most of the animal and vegetable sources of iron are generally tough on your GI tract. One exception is any of the various ethnic varieties of 'blood sausage'. Easy to digest, low carb and a good source for Iron, Zinc and protein. Many versions are delicious, like Morcilla Columbiana.
