Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Take 2

So I had started this blog before, but the email I created was hacked.  I have no access to that account anymore, which means I can't delete the blog.  So here is the same 1st post I made under the Blog title of My Crohn's Life.  This will still be a blog about my Crohn's, life with, and other things about me.
     So let's start at the beginning...I started to take notice that my body wasn't functioning properly with about 2 months left of my sophomore year, but didn't think anything of it. Just thought it had to do with my college life (class, work, homework, stress, partying, & campus food). So I ignored my body, and dealt with the weight loss, the loss of my period, loss of appetite at times, the fevers, and stomach pain. The symptoms seemed to come and go (exception my period: I didn't have a period for 2 years)
In 2010-2011 I was a senior in college, and worked a full time job at a major hardware department store. I was having consistent stomach pain that started when I awoke, and varied on the pain scale all day long. I use to stand at my register hunched over because it felt better than standing up straight. I used to get asked all the time if I was ok, and I'd just respond yes I'll be ok. I was losing weight even though I was eating enough to feed a small family. Food has never been an issue to me....I love to eat almost anything. I finally lost enough weight where I became concerned, and scheduled a doctor appointment back home. I went to school 3.5 hours away from my hometown so that was rather hard to do. So I went to my doctors in February of 2011 and found out I weighed 103lbs. My nurse preceeded to ask me in the nicest way possible if I was eating properly or at all. I looked at her in astonishment and stated that I LOVE FOOD...food just didn't love me. I then waited for my doctor, and when he came in I was able to make a specific request for blood work specifically to look for Celiac or Crohn's disease.
The waiting game was torture. I had to wait 2 weeks for a phone call with my lab results, and all I kept thinking about was I hope it's not Celiac because I can barely afford everything as is. A diet restriction would of made it impossible for me to pay all my bills while buying gluten free food. Celiac is a gluten intolerance, which means that a person's body cannot digest gluten which is primarily found in bread, pasta, and many other foods containing wheat, barley or rye. On February 24, 2011, I was called and informed that my Celiac results came back negative, but the rest of my lab work was abnormal for my age so they referred me to a gastroenterologist.
I'm sorry this post is so long. I will write more about the 1st time I met my gastro Dr. next time. I'm going to try and steady my way into this so as that I don't get bored or bore you. I have 2 years of information to catch you up on, and then continue with present day. Once all the background information has been given about me and my crohn's then my blog will consist of my current crohn's state, recipes, life stories, etc. Hope you'll follow me, and maybe find this to be slightly helpful!

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